
         This time of being home, of being between Uganda and what’s looking like nursing school is hard, but good in so many ways. I have my break down moments and then the beautiful days. I know the difference in those days. The beautiful ones include a significant amount of time on my knees crying out to the Lord for strength, healing, faith, and mostly peace. Where do I go to school? Why don’t I want to go to school? Why can’t I go back to Uganda? Why do I feel like the hurt just got worse? Now, before you go, “Dang, this is depressing,” wait until you hear what God has to say about it. There are so many truths in His Word that we take for granted. We hear them so often we forget the depth and meaning of them. Through worship and just simply reading my Bible for the pleasure of it, I've realized how quickly I forget or overlook some of the most important things God has to say.

All of God’s words are true. 2 Timothy 3:16

God will do what He has promised. Deuteronomy 15:6

God is working all things for the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:28

God cares about me. 1 Peter 2:7

I am a treasured, chosen, and wonderfully made child of God. Psalm 139:14

My name is written on the palm of His hand. Isaiah 49:16

My soul finds rest in God alone. He is my fortress. Psalm 62:1-2

God will never leave me. Joshua 1:9

I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:2

If I call to God and He will answer me. Jeremiah 31:3

God will strengthen me and help me. Isaiah 41:10

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18

My faith pleases God. Hebrews 11:16

           If that doesn't get you pumped up then sorry for you (have to incorporate those Ugandan phrases, always). But, in all seriousness how can a simple decision of where to go to school or a fear of the future, or a heartache in the present really put you down when we know all of this? Yes, our flesh will fail… but our God NEVER will! And I am so thankful for this; thankful that my sin no longer separates me from these truths. Thankful that God sent His son, blameless, to die on the cross for my sins. So, some days are hard for all of us, but the difference between us and those without Christ is we have hope. We have hope because of these truths and because our God is sovereign. This blog is probably more for my own reassurance than those of you reading this, but I hope it is just a little encouragement and a reminder than we serve a God that is bigger and greater than everything, good and hard, in our lives.
  A good friend recently said to me, “We are way harder on ourselves than God is on us!” And I am so thankful for that. 


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